Wellness Check – 8 Foods That De-Stress

Enduring stress is a natural part of life. But when stress becomes frequent, it can cause the body to respond in harmful ways, increasing the production of adrenal stress hormones. These hormones are responsible for several symptoms including elevation of blood...

Little Known Black History Fact – Stephanie Johnson

Captain Stephanie Johnson is the first Black female captain for Delta Airlines, the second of her historic achievements as a pilot. In 1997, Captain Johnson became the first Black female pilot for Northwest Airlines and in 2016, Delta promoted her to captain at Delta...

Little Known Black History Fact – Marsha Hunt

Marsha Hunt made waves as a model in England by being the first Black model to grace the now-defunct high fashion magazine Queen in the late ’60’s. Hunt’s modeling and singing career were short-lived, but in that time, she and Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger...