On your next wash day, consider what’s in your favorite shampoo and haircare products. Social media has been abuzz with news of a lawsuit against Mielle Organics, a previously Black-owned hair care company that is now owned by Proctor & Gamble. The lawsuit, which was filed in 2022 before the company was sold, has since been settled and dismissed. Earlier this month, disturbing pictures and videos began circulating online of users reporting scalp irritation, migraines and hair loss after using the hair oils and shampoos.

Founder and CEO of Mielle Organics, Monique Rodriquez, addressed the allegations on Instagram, saying the product formulas have not been changed.

In today’s Learn Your Labels, we dive into the ingredients in a few popular haircare brands aimed at the African-American community. Read of two common shampoo ingredients and watch video of our store run for better haircare products at BlkandFit.com.