During our lifetimes, our brains absorb millions of pieces of information, thoughts and beliefs that shape our existence in the world. Unfortunately, many of these things can be unhealthy and damaging, limiting our potential and harming our mental health.

Here are six things to unlearn for more peace.

The idea of needing to be successful to be worthy. Our society puts much weight on what “success” is. Being financially well off is fine, but that doesn’t always equate to success for some people. Success for some means having their health, love and family. Define what success is for you.
Pretending that you are ok when you are not. This can be extremely harmful, preventing you from addressing a problem that could be worked out. Acknowledge when you experience pain, disappointment or other negative feelings then work through it with talking to someone or writing down your thoughts.
Shaming yourself when you’ve made a mistake. It’s ok to fail, as long as you’re learning from it.

Read more at BlkandFit.com.