The shoulder stand yoga pose is a restorative pose that delivers oxygen-rich blood to the upper body, elongates the spine, invigorates the abdominal organs, and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, inducing the relaxation response.

This inversion pose may appear difficult, but it’s not impossible. Try the step-by-step pose, or its modifications, to get the benefits of shoulder stand.

How to Do Shoulder Stand
Lie down on your mat. For extra cushion, place a blanket under your shoulders. The tops of your shoulder should be right at the edge of the blankets.
Inhale and go into Plough pose, taking your hips and legs overhead. Adjust your body so your upper arms are firmly underneath you, with your weight in your upper arms and shoulders. To avoid injury, be careful not to put your weight on your neck.
Do shoulder stand pose at (READ MORE)(SOURCE: BLKANDFIT.COM)