GOD’S WILL is His conscious deciding, willing and choosing to do something. Theologians have discussed for years GOD’S WILL having two parts: His Secret Will and His Revealed Will. God’s Secret Will refers to Him being sovereign and ruler over all. Nothing happens outside of His Perfect Will. It is called His Secret Will because we don’t know what it is until it happens.  Then there is His Revealed Will. That is His Will that is in the Bible. All the rules and regulations that are laid out in the good book. For example, the Ten Commandments are a part of the Revealed Will of God. He lays it out, plan and simple. No misunderstanding there.

Now, we tend to focus on God’s Secret Will. What does God want me to do in this situation and that situation? You can’t get inside God’s head. Your best bet is to focus on the Revealed Will of God because that is right in front of your face and you don’t have to guess what He wants you to do in those situations. So, trust God’s Secret Will and focus on God’s Revealed Will. 

You may ask, “How do you seek God’s Will?” 

1.  Surrender your personal desires. It’s not about you. It’s about Him and His Will for you. 

2.  Study His Word.  Get more familiar with His Revealed Will in the Bible. 

3.  Spend more time in prayer developing a deeper relationship with Him. 

Now, we do have FREE WILL. That is a gift from God. Deuteronomy 30:19 reads, “I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God’s Blessing and God’s curse, and I call Heaven and earth to witness the choice you make.  Choose life.” But here is the difference between your Free Will and God’s Will. God’s will may cost you something right now, but pay you big dividends later. Your Will will probably get you instant gratification, but cost you greatly later. Your choice.  Free Will and God can override Free Will. He has the final say so over EVERYTHING so your Free Will decisions may be a waste of time. 

Look, I know we think we’re grown, but we’re not. We will ALWAYS be God’s children, so it is in our best interest to do our very best to follow Daddy’s Will, and thank Him for His Will ALWAYS being good.

With Agape Love,

Willie Mae